Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Art Secret

So my daughter and my friend both liked the straight picture. I thought the idea of photographing a drawing askew (6/23/08) was such a good idea. Maybe I just need to do it better.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Afraid to Paint

I was afraid to paint in our motel room because I thought that I might get some paint on the carpet. Then I remembered that my paint was in one of many unlabeled boxes in our car three floors down, and I was too tired to try to find it anyway.

Luckily Linda had a pencil, and there was one scrap of paper that wasn't too slick to draw on. I tried to draw on the side with the type, but the pencil had thin leads and I couldn't compete with the dark type, so I drew on the other side.

Then I photographed the drawing...first straight on, and then at an angle. Yea, my figure seemed to come to life. Magic!

Joint Statement

Who's in the world?

Xiushan said, "What can you do about the world?" Dizang said, "What do you call the world?"