Thursday, November 5, 2009

Variation 7 of Single Head

My Walking Neighbor

asked how I can be both in the moment, and thinking about the moment. Thinking about the moment in the moment does seem to be a contradiction, almost as if thinking is outside of the life game. So "I think therefore I am" might be "I think therefore (for the moment) I am not."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Variation 4 of Single Head

She asked how she could read my pieces without a quote. When I hear questions like that, my impulse is to never "illustrate" another quote because I want my pictures to speak for themselves. Then I think of what Robert Frost said when asked what one of his poems said, "do you want me to tell you in other and worse language?"

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Variation 3 of Single Head

Woman Crossing Street

Yesterday at a stop sign I watched a woman walk across the street. I saw the dance between the street and the woman as they separated and then came back together. And yet I was surprised that I couldn't sense any weight to her.

We don't see weight. We don't see anything beyond what is there. Then we start adding what we know and we are suddenly not seeing anymore, but caught in our preconceptions.

Receiving and Giving