Tuesday, October 27, 2020


a modest rose
flowering, because that is its nature
energy springing out to be
but not claiming attention or demanding
tattered, tentative
but fully itself

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Starry Nite

The earth is a collection of discrete objects, each of which is a collection of discrete objects, until finally we just have energy. This is the way of the universe. And these collections are constructed. When some say "no thing" maybe they should say "no thing, just collections" while recognizing that the collections aren't really there but are just in our minds.

Friday, October 16, 2020


To Kim Mosley's “Teeth” 

Lively, happy, the Earth. 

But, no, a screaming face 
a furry man with an extra arm sending out waves of energy
a gaping whale and a gaping ghost.

Near them, coming up and out, a camel 
a man-phoenix 
a slug, a horn, the numerals 2 2 7.

Reality in all its ways—real and unreal,
spinning into numbers and dunes
breakfast and the phantasmagoria of the mind.

Out of the movement of water 
a whole that lasts a moment or a day.

Receiving and Giving