Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gluttonly Ravished

We ate Tom, but Maya, the dog, just smiled. As we gluttonly ravished, Maya said, "if people treated their dogs like they treat themselves they'd end up in Jail!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

...but just people.

Don't know if I should make art about my wife returning after many long days (6) or about how we found the turkey roaster pan where it was suppose to be nor how my figures are neither clothed or naked but just people.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

...the size she wanted 2 B.

She bought some jeans that were much too small—just the size she wanted 2 B. She washed and ironed them and looked at them for 2 years until they would fit.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

...he finished his sentence.

So there was a big earthquake & he just sat, meditating a protective shield around him. When the earth quieted down, he finished his sentence.

Monday, November 16, 2009

No Obsession Today

So no obsession today, but I was 264 28 calories under and I will meet my goal, according to my iphone, on Jan 23. Yea. A man I didn't know found my wallet and gave it back. My dad's wallet lost and found.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh my god.

Oh my god. I foolishly misread my calorie program yesterday so 2day I ate lots of veges. I made it until I realized I forgot a sm. glass of wine so I doctored the numbers & came out ok. 388 589 Yikes!!!

143 calories

Austin Garden Tour

Good solution for stumps.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Now, a real diary...

Free Food Madness

I'm a sinner, eating another free meal like there was no 2morrow. And now I have 2 enter the calories on my iphone. It will collapse under its own weight. (I just entered the meal... was only 388 over for the week... and I have Sunday for redemption.)

ERROR: see drawing for 11/15... not yet done.

Austin Pickup

Friday, November 13, 2009

So 2 make art....

So 2 make art I make a square 8 x 8 x 300 ppi & then write some dumbass thing & hope something will click.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Next time have ur wife help,....

I got a haircut yesterday. Phyllis, my barber, criticized the way I had tried 2 clean up the back of my neck. Next time have ur wife help, she said.


So I lose the map when I use my iPhone... But here is a snippet of
today's walk.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

...but wrote nevertheless.

Hemingway crawled out of bed at 6 am to write until noon. He was always hung over, but wrote nevertheless.

Reflections on Talks on Buddha's Lists

During a recent Appamada Intensive our students gave talks on Buddha's lists. Here are my reflections on their talks.