Friday, February 22, 2008

Buddha Mirror

I worked hard
all day to find
the buddha* in
everyone. Then
I glanced in the
mirror and saw

*buddha=awakened one or enlightened one

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cleaning House

He looked at
all that he
had brought
home and
wondered if he
could find
peace in it

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cut off the flow of time

He wondered when it would
then a moose appeared on
the road & he
forgot the past
and the future &
the road was all moose.
time that
was stuck
by the moose
in the pipe. He gripped
the faucet & turned it
hard, squeezing another
drop of time from the pipe.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

To Comprehend a Nectar

This is based on a poem by Emily Dickinson.
Understanding is sometimes what we do instead of becoming intimate.


Saturday, February 16, 2008


I had two chairs for
many years. They could
no longer be part
of our lives. I took
them 2 3 thrift stores.
They would not take them
so I put them out in the
street hoping someone
would pick them up.

This was
the only chair
that I could use
to make art.


P.S. One of the
chairs was put out
for the garbage truck
in 1969. I rescued it
and gave it a good life.
I don't
remember about chair
number two...except
I believe I took
it apart and painted
it because it was rusted.

Anatomy Lesson and Love