Friday, November 14, 2008

A Waste of Time?

I tried again to bend
at the waist and touch
my toes to no avail. I could
n't find my waist & my
fingers couldn't get
near my toes.


A waste of time?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gremlin Merit

A gremlin broke into my
house and put my lost hat in
a paper bag with my oryoki
kit. I was so glad to find
it there (especially there). Thanks
gremlin. You'll hopefully get
lots of merit for this deed.

3 oryoki bowls
star gremlin
X hat
lost hat from San Deigo

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lost Cap

I lost my cap last week.
It was black with an or-
ange "x." It me made
think of the X the
Texas prison gangs
wore on their shirts indic-
ating where they were 2
B shot if they run off. S-
ince I work with
my brain I thought I
should be shot in the
head [if I run off]. I'm not sure if
losing the hat is a less-
on 2 teach me to detach
or if the hat is pursuing
its buddha nature.

Oh where oh where did my hat go?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Anatomy Lesson and Love