Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why We Accumulate????

So we got a 24' ft
truckl & it is loaded
to the gills. I still
don't understand how ho-
w and why we accu-

201 am

It is 201 am and we now need to finish packing my studio. Finally the basement is done...I think the whole house is done.

After spending a year going through my art, I discovered much... mostly that I need to put it all aside (or in the trash) and start anew.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


We have about 36 hours
left, though since there r
2 of us we have 72 ho-
urs, but we might sleep or
eat. Wed. we take off to TX.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Lots of interruptions
today but it was good
to see and say goodbye
to our favorite people.

100° HOT

Friday, June 26, 2009

No Art Today

So my friends said I
shouldn't do art today
because all day long I'-
ve been disposing of
the stuff. But where
would the art go
if I don't let her out?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More, More

Big day on earth, an
average size planet on
a small star of the
chocolat bar galazy. Mich-
ael died @ 50 & I threw
out more bad art but my
wife is still shaking her
head and saying "more, more"
meaning "less, less."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

F-- (How Bad I Was.)

How bad I was. So just
yesterday someone ask-
ed what kind of artist
I was and I said "a good
one" and then 2day I look-
ed through drawings fr-
om 1967 and they were
so so very bad.


Anatomy Lesson and Love