Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bad Yoga

Crawling and twisting around window wells to put some paint on the window trim is not my idea of fun. But they sure look better than they did with the peeling paint.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sliver of Truth

I might think I don't have a sliver,
but then I touch my finger just so...and ouch.

I know that there is some biblical reference
to having a splinter in one's eye.

This is not a metaphor. It is merely
the event that occupied much of my day,
living from one ouch to the next.

Monday, May 12, 2008

In the Can

My job today was to cut and break up branches from the branch pile and put them in garbage cans for pickup. It took hours to fill 6 cans, two of which held 96 gallons. I wore gloves, but my forearms bled from scratches.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I asked my son this evening if something bad is ok if you make good art out of it. He said, what about Goya? I said I agreed. War is still bad even if Goya can make such good art out of it.

Happy Mother's Day.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

An Accident?

He said his kid was an accident. I thought smuggly that I'm glad that I was planned (or so I was led to believe).

Then I started to imagine a continuum from deliberate to accidental.

Imagine someone getting off a train because it breaks down. Then a cyclone comes (an unpredicted cyclone, of course) and drives a tube through his private parts (ouch!) into the vicinity of her fertile egg. And one hefty little critter fertilizes the egg. Will, that kid was truly an accident.

On the other extreme, imagine a DNA expert sorting through a bunch of critters, picking a very special one to fertilize an egg. Well, that's the other end of the continuum.

A product of a hot roll in the hay is not an accident any more than is a gun going off in a bank robbery. It is called "conditioned causality." The condition made it possible for something to occur, though other outcomes are possible (unlike cause and effect scenarios).

Friday, May 9, 2008

Connected in Strange Ways

Knowing that we'd have a person look at our house (to buy), we worked all day to clean it up. Then we went to dinner and a bunch of errands while they were looking.

This evening we weighed 300 magazines that we are practically giving away. Someone is going to have to pay lots of shipping.

Our daughter called, and she and my wife talked for what seemed like hours.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Elbow Grease Rocks

Another long long day.
First did my income tax extension, then went out with my friend to an Indian lunch and a cheap plastic camera photo exhibit in St. Charles.
Came home and prepared the house for a showing tomorrow, then a party.
After an hour of so, went home to make a drawing, but first talked to my son for a while on the phone.

Anatomy Lesson and Love