Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Wanted to Scream

I wanted to scream
but I didn't know w-
hether to scream hap-
py or sad. It work-
ed. . . finally.

Catching a fal-
len thing 'tween
2 tongues

But it took so long!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Piece of Cake

So my sister calls disturbed
by my impermanence. I can
only assure her that
each day is an incredible
experience, some challen-
ging and some a piece of

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Death Row at the Dentists

I'm in death row at the
dentist's office totally not
accepting the idea of wel-
coming, pain as a caring
friend, instead drugged
with valium so I can just
sleep. Am I chicken or wise?
We shall see.

The dentist is ur friend.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Leaf Rustling Down Driveway

Today I got hearing aids
and was chased by a lea-
f rustling down the bla-
ck driveway. And today
dear ones left the earth.
I'm not sure if my ears
waking & others leaving ear-
th is connected. We'll see.






Another Holey Moley

Another version of the animation done yesterday.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Holey Moley

Sometimes he was told that
he had a hole in his
head. He could not feel
it nor see it in a mi-
rror, so he was skept-




Saturday, February 14, 2009

Too Many Ideas

A long day. First I heard
a dharma talk on silence.
I decided not to ever fill
up the page in my draw-
ings. Then he told how
his dog grabbed his hand
through his mail slot, so
I said that would be my
drawing except then we
were talking hummers &
I said they kick ass &
he said that should be
my drawing and now
with so many great art
ideas floating in my th
ick skull I feel absolut-
ely impotent tonight as a
potentially practing artist.

Anatomy Lesson and Love