Friday, March 12, 2021

All Flowers Everywhere

Kashyapa swims in a boundless sea of flowers.

Cousin Brian wrote, “He held up all flowers everywhere.” When I imagine all that know this story of the Buddha holding up a flower, I can see all flowers being held up simultaneously, throughout space and time. Not only am I holding up a lotus, but so did those who preceded me as did my children and their children. Flowers filled the room. Flowers filled outside the room as far as Kashyapa could see. There was nothing but flowers.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Which flower did he hold up?

Buddha held up a flower. Sometimes it is depicted as a pure white lotus, but I like it better when it is a lotus with its roots dripping mud. That’s who I was today when I led service and messed up the robe chant. There were hopefully some moments where the “beautiful” end of the flower was revealed, but the mud was there as well. The point is not to be a stone buddha, nor to be a wild animal. It is the pure white lotus and the mud, all in one bundle. That's why Kashyapa smiled... or not.

Reflections on Talks on Buddha's Lists

During a recent Appamada Intensive our students gave talks on Buddha's lists. Here are my reflections on their talks.