Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two Faces w/Dots

So we are a couple of crack addicts with our new iphones. The dishes pile up in the sink as we compulsively instantly do everything. No longer is there a separation between us and our computers. This afternoon we finally both fell asleep after becoming sleep deprived wanting one more moment (lasting late into the night) with the nasty thing.

We did manage to buy a new ball bearing and installed a lock in a different door. This time I dropped the ball bearing... and then found out that the lock would be fine without it... and then inadvertently saw it gleaming at me from the dirt.

So life goes on. Here's the animation as I made the drawing. Please let me know if you like seeing the animations.

After reading what I wrote I went and put the dishes in the dishwasher.


Anonymous said...

Re: animation.

Funny creepy watching faces appear that spew dots that look chicken pox like. Itch, eeew.

What would I know?
Over come by spot envy
I'm at the studio drawing
Spots spouting faces.
Yes, I like.

Anonymous said...

Do a Kim and make them take the things back! H.

Daigu said...

More, more....dotz animashun!! We likes it!

Dana said...

we do too!....................

This is No Other