Monday, May 3, 2010


How many times do we sit out the weekend, waiting for the moment of truth on Monday? Well, Monday in England is Bank Day, a national holiday, which I assume is why I didn't hear from the marketing woman about my Miracle Ear ad.

I saw an amazing Marina Abramovich retrospective exhibit exhibit at MOMA in NYC last week. I was very curious to know about the role of meditation in Marina's pieces... and so I was so glad to be sent a link to this article. We've come a long way in a short time that such work can be exhibited. When I lived in Dallas for three years in the 70s I had five issues with censorship. A few were with my work, the others with exhibits I curated. At the Univ. of Illinois in the 60s the male models wore "jock straps." A graduate student, Myra Cantor, sent the school into a tizzy displaying male nudes in her thesis exhibit.
Tonight I heard Norman Fischer for the third time in three days. It was a meeting for the business community of Austin. He spoke about meditation practice (calling it mindfulness) in business. He's the meditation guru for Google. He handled questions from the audience so skillfully and honestly too. You can hear 100s of his lectures on the web. Super wonderful person.

This afternoon I heard on the web a talk he gave about God parting the seas to save the Jews. I thought that God was pretty mean to the Egyptians (killing them all).
Before the talk Norman came over to where I was standing, looking at this incredible transparent building being built. I told him that God wasn't nice to the Romans (killing them all after splitting the waters). He corrected me and said Egyptians. Next time I'm at a Passover dinner celebrating the event, I'm going to ask everyone to say a prayer for them, even if they did enslave the Jews.


Anonymous said...

Trying to go back and reinterpret history and rewrite it is a tricky business. I am not certain that the Egyptians did enslave the Hebrews. If they did, then a price is paid for unjust behavior, you could call it rapid kharma. H.

Unknown said...

I thought that when you spill the wine (or dip it out of the glass with a finger), that was expressing sorrow for the Egyptians who were killed.

Kim Mosley said...

So good to hear that. I guess it is an expression that the joy is not complete because some had to die for the saving of the Jews. Thanks.

Mia said...

Ever since I saw Abramovich's second-floor event at MOMA, where people can sit with her and exchange gazes with her for as long as they wish, I've been wanting to try it with someone as a shared meditation (I didn't get a chance to sit with her; the line was too long). I was also struck by the doorway on the sixth floor where you had to brush between two naked people in order to pass into the next room: there was a strange sense of mutual violation in being fully clothed and touching a naked stranger. Interesting show!

Joshua, 1980